

Athav is the Juicy Honey manufacturers in Namakkal. Our honey is additive-free, so you get a pure and natural product. Purity in honey, therefore, plays a big role in retaining the flavour and its health benefits. Our honey has such great versatility that you can use it in sweet and savoury dishes alike or as a natural sweetener in baking, cooking, or beverages. Our Honey helps in the hydration processes of the skin, reduces irritation, and promotes a healthy outlook of the skin. It has antibacterial properties that help in the healing process of minor skin wounds and acne. It is much healthier as a sweetener than refined sugars and artificial sweetening agents. Giving your recipes a smack of sweetness while adding some extra nutrition, honey is perfect for use in tea, baking, or cooking, and as a topping on yoghurt and oatmeal.

We are the Natural Honey exporters from Tamil Nadu. We have raw, unfiltered honey that retains all its natural enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. Unlike processed honey, which is filtered and heated, possibly ridding the honey of some of these very beneficial components, our honey is minimally processed. This helps preserve the natural goodness in the honey. The difference with our honey lies in its rich flavour profile, setting this apart from every other brand of honey available on the market. It differs from the flowers that bees get their nectar from, but all our honey is equally known for its natural sweetness and tricky taste. Be it a mild or floral honey or a darker one, which is more robust, we have got it all to your taste.

Consider us for all the needs of your Honey wholesale suppliers in India. We source the honey from top beekeepers who employ sustainable production techniques to ensure quality production. Our honey goes through a host of quality control tests to meet our exceptionally high standards. The level of attention to detail in doing this ensures you receive a product that is fresh, pure, and of top quality.